Key Ventures

We strongly believe in our mission and our ability to contribute to business success and its growth online.

Key Ventures is a friendly, kind, energetic, youthful and innovative company. We encourage creativity and the desire to create something new and unique. We are perfectionists, and we value the results of our work above all else.

One of the company's core values is the people who work for it. That's why the company strives to improve employee comfort and productivity as much as possible.

One of our distinguishing features is the gamification of the workflow, which makes it more fun. Also, much of our workflow is automated, which allows us to focus entirely on the crucial and essential things, save time and boost productivity.

3 reasons to choose us

We help small businesses and market leaders alike attract customers and sell products online at higher prices. We can help you both with tasks to increase traffic to your site, and with complex analytical or strategic projects.

Our online advertising service goes beyond simply improving your website rankings, we work closely with you to ensure that the results improve overall margins for your business. This is what makes us stand out from others in our market.

People are our most valuable resource. We invest in the continuous training and development of the skills of our employees. We make every effort to make Key Ventures more than just an agency, to turn it into a lifestyle and a mindset.

Areas of Expertise and Practice

Mobile app promotion

Our service enables you to attract new target audiences for both iOS and Android mobile apps, boost your app installs and increase your in-app conversion rate. We work with ad networks, app stores and analytics.

Email Marketing

On a turnkey basis for online stores, services and e-commerce websites.
We can organize regular and structured communication with your customers through email, messenger, SMS newsletters and push notifications. 
We can increase loyalty, AOV and purchases.


Effective brand promotion using social media, targeted advertising and influencer marketing.
Regular and outstanding communication, creating contests, working with influencers will help you build a loyal fan base and increase sales.


Search Engine Reputation Management (SERM) refers to the influencing and management of the online reputation of a brand or an individual.
We help create a positive image of a company or brand by influencing branded search engine results and removing negative content and fake reviews from adversaries and competitors.

at the development stage

It's recommended for more effective work of a website to start optimizing it even before its launch.
Analysis and creation of an additional technical requirement document for SEO before the release of a website. We can help you make a search engine friendly site and set the stage for the following promotion of a new resource, saving you both time and money.

Web analytics

We help you find solutions, gain insights, and improve your decision-making process. We combine data from different systems and databases, set up automatiс collection, filtering, calculation, and visualization of your marketing and sales data.
We also set up the collection of data on the flow of funds and goods as well as user behavior data on a website and in offline stores.

Consulting services

Our team can work with you design and implement marketing processes that will help you manage your promotional activities more effectively.
We can help you design incentive programs, create guidelines, reports, define KPIs, organize in-house SEO and PPC teams, and find new ways to promote your products and services.

Pay per click and targeted advertising

We been creating commercial advertising for brands and companies in response to the demands of their target audience.
We use a full range of tools for pay per click and targeted digital advertising to reach the right person at the right time in the right place.



Wijnand Nuijenstraat 56,

1061 WB Amsterdam,


Get in Touch

One of our team will be in contact with you shortly.